The Fire of the Heart - Course

Is The Fire of the Heart Course for you?

You may have spent time on a spiritual path, have had momentary spiritual experiences of Awakened Consciousness, tasted the freedom of extraordinary insights and possibilities, only to find these insights gradually fade away, leaving you wondering; “Is it actually possible to become a living, breathing expression of my deepest insight and understanding?”

You may still intuit that an extraordinary Awakened Life is possible, but how do you live and actualize what you have seen in the complexity of what you may call your “everyday life”? The Fire of the Heart Course will provide answers to these challenges that are accessible, contemporary and penetratingly psychoactive.

You may have spent time on a spiritual path, have had momentary spiritual experiences of Awakened Consciousness, tasted the freedom of extraordinary insights and possibilities, only to find these insights gradually fade away, leaving you wondering; “Is it actually possible to become a living, breathing expression of my deepest insight and understanding?”

You may still intuit that an extraordinary Awakened Life is possible, but how do you live and actualize what you have seen in the complexity of what you may call your “everyday life”? The Fire of the Heart Course will provide answers to these challenges that are accessible, contemporary and penetratingly psychoactive.

Course Overview

The Course is divided in 2 Parts of 5 Sessions each. Each Session will be approximately 2 – 2.5 hours long.
Recordings of each Session will be provided.

Part One

Session 1 - "What is Awakening? & True Meditation"

Discover what Awakening is and the radical understanding that makes our True Nature accessible in any moment. Learn the practice of True Meditation, which is not an incremental means to become Free sometime in the future, but a radical means to Awaken to our already inherent Freedom here and now.

Session 2 - "What is Ego? & The Great Search"

Why do we suffer? What is it that creates the very convincing illusion of being a separate and limited self that needs to be fulfilled? A clarifying exploration into the deeply habitual activity of identification that is the driver of the unhappy human condition.

Session 3 - "The Three Character Types, Responsibility & Spiritual Maturity"

A humorous and illuminating description of the three essential character types. What is ego and what is the authentic expression of our character? Discover why you are the way you are and what is required for you to embody true spiritual maturity.

Session 4 - "The Fire of the Heart - There is no Light without Heat"

An exploration of the Great Paradox of the Awakening Heart – we are always already Free and we are an evolving work-in-progress. Discover how the process of purification is the Heat that gives rise to the Light of the True Self.

Session 5 - "Not Knowing & Wide Open Wonder"

Do we really know who we are? Do we really know what anything is? When we transcend our attachment to knowledge and experience we discover the liberating innocence and open-endedness of Pure Consciousness.

Part Two

Session 1 - "The Power That Knows The Way & Awakening the Dreamer"

When we transcend the fears and desires of the separate ego we discover a Pure Passion that frees our innate gifts and manifests as limitless inspiration and creativity. Learn how your head, hands and heart can become a vehicle for the creation of a new world.

Session 2 - "Light On Shadow"

How do we work with the imprints of deep trauma? What is the relationship between the Awakening Process and psychotherapy? An exploration of how to illuminate, heal, and ultimately transcend our Shadow.

Session 3 - "Masculine/Feminine & Shiva/Shakti - The Tantric Embrace"

A provocative and revelatory exploration of the masculine/feminine polarity that animates the entire creative display of body, mind and world. What does it mean to understand and transcend the psychological and cultural conditioning of our gender?

Session 4 - "Awakened Sexuality & Committed Relationship"

What is the expression and purpose of sexuality in an Awakened context? What might a committed relationship based on the shared realization of Spiritual Freedom look like? A penetrating investigation into the emotional-sexual arena that is the most persistent and volatile source of ego bondage.

Session 5 - "The Higher WE & Collective Emergence"

When Awakened human beings come together in the ecstatic recognition of One Consciousness, One Self and One Heart, then a greater creative potential can reveal itself in and as a Collective Awakened Heart.

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The Fire of the Heart Online Course 2022

The Fire of the Heart Course is a penetrating and profound Transformational journey into the radical immediacy and evolutionary potential of Spiritual Awakening here and now.

Anchored in a simple yet illuminating approach to True Meditation, the Awakening Process that Peter describes is direct, contemporary, and includes the totality of manifest existence in its integral embrace.

If you have a sincere longing to Awaken to your True Nature and align your precious human life with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Consciousness Itself then The Fire of the Heart Course may be for you…

To understand, in a profound way, how simple life is, and that it only becomes complicated from the moment we personalize the stories and give life to our fears through our Ego. How challenging but liberating to realize that it was I who put myself in a position of superiority, believing that we live in a world of self-centered people when I was also one of them. The Fire of the Heart Course helped me to better understand my origin, my prejudice, my fears, my relationship with my mother (I learned to accept her), my relationship with my husband, my relationship with my co-workers and with my daily life. Nothing is done without love, nothing is built without love, nothing happens when there is no love. I am on the right track, thanks to this Process, to this wonderful WAKE UP Call! My heart is full, full of love, joy, smiles, sweetness, compassion, gratitude for having this opportunity, thank you Pete for letting me BE with you.

– Ariana Ribeiro, Porto

Pete’s Course is a really complete journey into the teachings of True Meditation, Non-Duality, ego transcendence and also on how to live and breathe this Transformation into life and into the world. It’s also the beginning of a never-ending journey, because it reconnects us to Love/Life/Consciousness, and Life becomes this constant invitation to respond and express That Which We Truly Are in every moment. That’s the only thing the world needs from us, that’s what life is really about.

– Ana Cruz, Porto

It was incredible! An opportunity to be able to feel more strongly what it really means to create a new culture. Letting go of the ego in every moment we became collectively much closer, more united and capable of acting together.

– Jose Soutelinho, Sintra

What you will discover

  • How to Awaken to your True Nature moment to moment
  • Access an infinite, inexhaustible source of deep trust & love – the Heart Itself – that will enable you to act with courage and grace in the face of the challenges and complexity of life
  • A simple yet profound approach to True Meditation and Self-Inquiry
  • Why innocence is more powerful than certainty and how to live in “Wide Open Wonder”
  • Learning how to directly perceive the mind-transcending Ultimate Truth of Non-Duality
  • How to navigate your way between the polarities of conscious effort and unconditional surrender
  • The Pure Passion of the Fire of the Heart that opens up unimaginable potentials of Evolutionary Love
  • Profoundly liberating perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment
  • A deep understanding of the dynamics of Cultural Evolution and the potentials for whole system social transformation
  • The radical and revolutionary potentials for Collective Awakening

What you will discover

  • How to Awaken to your True Nature moment to moment
  • Access an infinite, inexhaustible source of deep trust & love – the Heart Itself – that will enable you to act with courage and grace in the face of the challenges and complexity of life
  • A simple yet profound approach to True Meditation and Self-Inquiry
  • Why innocence is more powerful than certainty and how to live in “Wide Open Wonder”
  • Learning how to directly perceive the mind-transcending Ultimate Truth of Non-Duality
  • How to navigate your way between the polarities of conscious effort and unconditional surrender
  • The Pure Passion of the Fire of the Heart that opens up unimaginable potentials of Evolutionary Love
  • Profoundly liberating perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment
  • A deep understanding of the dynamics of Cultural Evolution and the potentials for whole system social transformation
  • The radical and revolutionary potentials for Collective Awakening

Amongst the numerous new understandings and possibilities that this Course showed me, the biggest revelation has been the deep understanding of the absolute limitlessness of our Freedom and the many facets of the responsibility for that Freedom. Becoming more deeply grounded in this understanding will forever be a guide in my life. I feel gratitude and a boundless confidence in you and what you teach.

Robinson Weiske, Porto

During the first session of the course I felt like my Heart was screaming, “This is my purpose!”. In the meetings I felt the support that helps me to meditate daily. This practice is a very subtle movement of discovering the strength and courage that flows from within. My Heart cries out for FREEDOM. I am choosing to face fear and discover that I am not limited as my ego made me believe. I am discovering the Freedom from the collective Portuguese ego … Thank you Pete.

– Celia Carvalho, Coimbra

To listen to Pete was like ingesting some kind of psychoactive capable of withdrawing the veil of illusion. His words had a cleansing effect and connected me to the Truth. With Pete´s pragmatism, humbleness, wisdom and surrender I recovered and re-cognized what might be the biggest change in my life – the process of dissolution of ego – a radical shift of paradigm.

– Benedita Volkers, Porto


DATES for 2022

Sundays at 5.30pm GMT Portugal time

Part 1

Oct 2, 9, 16, 30
Nov 6

Part 2

Nov 13, 19 (Saturday), 27
Dec 4, 11




What attracted me to this Course was the clarity and distinctness of the message conveyed by Peter Bampton. A simple, direct message, without dogma, and without the esotericism of the “New Age” culture, a real breath of fresh air! In this Course Pete took us all to the foundation of what True Spiritual Awakening is, at the same time without taking our feet off the ground and leading us to take responsibility for the exercise of our personal and collective power. We were essentially challenged to ask the truly important questions: “Who am I?”, “What makes me suffer?”, “What is to be Happy?”, “Am I Free?”…


Peter transmits a proposal for personal and collective freedom, a contextualization in the face of our accumulated cultural burden, and an openness to a new paradigm of evolutionary consciousness. A proposal that can break down the barriers that separate us our essence, from others, and from the “reality” we experience. With Peter I found above all an additional opportunity to discover myself, to free myself from the ego contraction, to Awake, and fully Realize my Spiritual Nature.

– Luis Ferreira, Porto

Peter has an innate ability to connect the dots between emerging science, cultural studies, history and spirituality to form a very thorough expression of what Awakening Consciousness is, and how we can Awaken and Be Free NOW. Not only does he do it so eloquently, but more importantly he lives what he is talking about, it emanates from him with a transmission that makes it possible to grasp this truth in a deeper way. I highly recommend his Course to anyone interested in waking up and evolutionary transformation.

– Glen Friedman, USA


Portuguese Participants

550 Eur

International Participants

600 Eur

Included in the Fire of the Heart Course:

  • All sessions will be recorded and made available to all participants
  • Written materials and Teaching Models will be provided
  • Online Forum to share insights and ask questions in between sessions
  • All participants will receive a complementary copy of the book The Fire of the Heart upon which the Course is based

The lower price for the Portuguese is to reflect the general economic difference between Portugal and northern European countries or North America. However, if you are not from these countries and/or are committed to participating in the Course but have limited financial means, please “Get In Touch!” via the below form.

If you need to pay in instalments we are happy to work with you, but full payment must be made by the third session of Part 1.


Get in Touch!

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